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Ekattor school management system pro nulled graphics: A powerful and flexible tool for managing your


Ekselen is a desktop school management system, Ekselen offer great features for all type of educational institutions such as management for students, classrooms, subjects, timetable schedule, fee payments, expenses, employees, teachers and much more. With an outstanding GUI, support for Touch Events and Voice Commands, Ekselen is the only desktop school management you need in your school.

Ekattor School Management System is the most complete and versatile school management system on the Envato market. Ekattor provides the most advanced backend erp with a frontend school website, a WordPress plugin, an android app and an ios app. Whatever platform you want to use, Ekattor has got your back.

ekattor school management system pro nulled graphics

Ekattor School Management System is the most complete and versatile school management system on envato market. Ekattor provides the most advanced backend erp with a frontend school website, a wordpress plugin, an android app and an ios app. Whatever platform you want to use, Ekattor has got your back.

Plugins for schools have various functions. Some focus on student management, others focus on course management, and still others focus on providing a platform for the online class. Some only provide a way to add classes to your site without creating a full school. What you need, of course, depends on the kind of school website you want to make.

You could use a conglomerate of plugins/platforms together to build your school. For example, you can combine the selling functionality of WooCommerce with the classroom functionality of Moodle with the CMS functionality of WordPress. This conglomeration might be your best choice if you already use WooCommerce and Moodle, but a simpler choice would be to use a plugin that handles everything in a single package. This is known as an LMS (learning management system). Here are a few plugins that can provide just the basics or an all-in-one platform.

This one lets you create video-based courses that you provide to your students- providing both course management as well as course delivery. Billing, hosting, and security are provided by LFE and integrated into your WordPress site. You can provide classes on your site or turn your site into a complete school. It can be integrated with Facebook, MailChimp, and with your own store. You have full reports and stats. LFE gets 15% and you get 85% of the sale.

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